Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I am ready to take a stand against getting raped every time I fill my gas tank up. Here is my plan. I am putting an article in the paper to join me at a local meeting house, So that I might get my plan into action. I figure at the meeting I can hand out free gas cans. My ultimate plan is to have people stop filling up at the pump for at least three days, and this is were the free gas cans come in, give everyone some, so that they might fill their cars up w/ that until the strike is over…..

Here is my article that I am submitting to a local paper after I get the meeting house booked, and the money to buy the fuel cans, which I’m still trying to decide what kind of gig to use to raise money for the cans? A bake sale haha…suggestions?

Americans no longer have the right to complain about the high prices at the pump. Actions not words MUST be done to over come these high prices. This great nation can stand up and unite to permit gay marriges, and our city council can unite to shut down a thriving adult bookstore. However, when a true problem is present no one is willing to stand up and speak out---to take action.

Gentle readers, you must realize if we do not stand or attempt to resolve this matter we will continue to be taken advantage of, and we must continue to decide, food for a week or fuel to get to work? Remember that little quote “For the people.” Where did that idea go?

Please join me….at such and such and bla bla time to discuss some ideas to help ourselves and our families..

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Here's a thought

My question tonight is why are people obsessed with finding religion. Why is where we go after life so important? Hell, Heaven, Purgatory, and reincarnation, what is so special about each place. If you really stop to think about it, we live these places ever single day. Hell is what we make of it, when you’re having a bad time in your life, your going through hell. At some point in every humans life they experience hell…a hole of depression, and humans spend a time of waiting to leave that hole, aka purgatory, then once we find our true happiness after reaching the top it is considered heaven…..and then we become a new person and a new transition occurs in our lives. So who is to say that there is really life after death? Why can’t some people except the pure fact you may die and never wake up, how would we have known we are dead…do we know when we are in deep slumbers or comas?
Maybe these after life places are from the depths of imaginations from humans who could not bear the thought of eternally being separated from their loved once. Safe places for these departed spirits to dwell just to ease the mind of the living. Can the human mind not allow you to think of that depressing thought? Its really not depressing if you think of it from the deceased point of view now is it?
Why can’t humans live for today? We may very well be universally stuck in an never ending cycle of purgatory. All us humans do is wait. As long as clocks are hung on the wall, time is measured. Why do humans not roll down their windows on their drive home from work to listen to the gentle wind and the frogs chirping while zooming home to rush through dinner, only to sit and wait to go to sleep? Why must people have to believe in an all might powerful one to do good deeds? Why can’t humans automatically do good deeds with out being rewarded?

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Jeremy/unfinished art

Listening to your rhythmic breathing as you sleep
Makes me know it is you I will always keep
I cherish each moment we can be intertwined
There is no doubt our souls have been combined
With your lips pressed gently to my forehead
I know you leaving me is something I will never have to dread

----Alisa D-----

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Art work, can you see the images??